Boundary singularity for
fractional elliptic and parabolic problems

Euro-japanese conference on nonlinear diffusion, ICMAT


David Gómez-Castro

Universidad Complutense de Madrid


October 17, 2023


Juan Luis Vázquez

U. Autónoma de Madrid, Real Academia de Ciencias

Nicola Abatangelo

U. Bologna

Hardy Chan

U. Basel

Fractional Laplacian in \(\mathbb R^d\)

Fractional Laplacian

\[ (-\Delta)^s u (x) = {C(d,s)} \,\, \underbrace{\lim_{\varepsilon \to 0} \int_{\mathbb R^d \setminus B_\varepsilon (x) }}_{\text{ P.V. }\int _{\mathbb R^d}} \frac{u(x) - u(y)}{|x-y|^{d+2s}} d y. \]

Equivalent definitions (up-to ten [Kwasnicki, 2017])

  • The unique operator such that

    \[ \mathcal F[ (-\Delta)^s u ] = |\xi|^{2s} \mathcal F[u] \]

    i.e. the spectral fractional power of \(-\Delta\).

  • The infinitesimal generator of a Lévy process \(X_h\), characterised by “long jumps”

    \[ (-\Delta)^s u (x) = \lim_{h \to 0} \frac{ \mathbb E[ f(x) - f(x - X_h) ] }{ h } \]

Laplace equation

\[ \begin{cases} (-\Delta)^s u (x) = f(x) & \textrm{for all } x \in \mathbb R^d \\ u(x) \to 0 & \textrm{as } |x| \to \infty \end{cases} \]

Transforming the equation \(|\xi|^{2s} \widehat u(\xi) = \widehat f(\xi)\).

Formally, we can recover \(u = \mathcal F^{-1}[|\xi|^{-2s}] * f\).

For \(d > 2s\), \(\mathcal F^{-1}[|\xi|^{-2s}]\) is the Riesz kernel so we get

\[ u(x) = C(d,-2s) \int_{\mathbb R^d} \frac{f(y)}{|x-y|^{d-2s}} dy. \]

For any \(d, 2s\) we can also look for this solution by the minisation of the energy functional

\[ J(u) = \frac {C(d,s)} 2 \int_{\mathbb R^d} \int_{\mathbb R^d } \frac{|u(x) - u(y)|^2}{|x-y|^{d+2s}} dx \, dy - \int_\Omega f u \]

in homogeneous fractional Sobolev spaces [Brasco, Gómez-Castro & Vázquez, 2021].

Fractional Elliptic/Heat/Porous Medium in \(\mathbb R^d\)

There is a different Porous-Medium-type fractional equation \[ \partial_t u = \mathrm{div} (u^{m-1} \nabla (-\Delta)^{-s} u) \]

We will not discuss it:

\(m = 2\) [Caffarelli & Vazquez, 2011], \(m \ne 2\) [Stan, Del Teso & Vázquez, 2016]


Finite Difference schemes \[ (-\Delta)^s_h u(x) = \sum_{i \in \mathbb Z^d} \omega_{i} (u(x) - u(x+ih)) \]

[Jakobsen, Karlsen & La Chioma, 2008], [Biswas, Jakobsen & Karlsen, 2010],

\(d = 1\): [Huang & Oberman, 2014].

See also: [Del Teso, Endal & Jakobsen, 2018]

Discontinuous Galerkin: [Cifani, Jakobsen & Karlsen, 2011]

Fractional LaplacianS
in bounded domains

Restricted fractional Laplacian

Singular integral operator: \[ (-\Delta)^s_{\mathrm {RFL}} u (x)= C(d,s) \, \mathrm{P.V.}\int_{ \mathbb R^d } \frac{u(x) - u(y)}{|x-y|^{d+2s}} \; dy. \]

If we work only in \(\Omega\), we must prescribe \(u\) in \(\Omega^c = \mathbb R^d \setminus \Omega\).

Spectral fractional Laplacian

Operational power. \[ -\Delta \varphi_m = \lambda_m \varphi_m \textrm{ in } \Omega, \qquad \varphi_m = 0 \textrm{ on } \partial \Omega. \]

one defines \[ u(x) = \sum_{m=1}^{+\infty} {u_m} \varphi_m(x) \qquad \longmapsto \qquad (-\Delta)_{\mathrm{SFL}}^s u (x) = \sum_{m=1}^{+\infty} \lambda_m^s u_m \varphi_m (x). \]

The “boundary condition” is \(u = 0\) on \(\partial \Omega\).

Censored fractional Laplacian (CFL)

For \(s > \frac 1 2\) \[\begin{equation} \tag{CFL} (-\Delta)^s_{\mathrm{CFL}} u (x) = C(d,s) \, \mathrm{P.V.} \int_{ \Omega } \frac{u(x) - u(y)}{|x-y|^{n+2s}} \; dy, \end{equation}\]

We do not integrate over \(\Omega^c\), so it makes sense to pick simply \(u=0\) on \(\partial\Omega.\)

Laplace equation

\[ \begin{dcases} \mathcal L u = f & \Omega \\ u = 0 & \partial \Omega \text{ or } \mathbb R^d \setminus \overline \Omega \\ \end{dcases} \]

We observe

  • \(\mathcal L = (-\Delta)^s_{\mathrm{RFL}}, (-\Delta)^s_{\mathrm{CFL}}\) are sub-differentials of energies \[ J(u) = \int_A \int_A \frac{|u(x) - u(y)|^2 }{|x-y|^{d+2s}} dx \, dy. \]

  • \(\mathcal L = (-\Delta)^s_{\mathrm{SFL}}\) is just a power.

    The inverse is naturally \((-\Delta_\Omega)^{-s}\), and in works between “powers” of \(H_0^1(\Omega)\).

Self-adjoint compact operators. Furthermore \(\lambda_1 > 0\).

Nice theory of energy solutions.

Higher regularity: RFL [Ros-Oton & Serra, 2014], CFL [Chen, 2018], [Fall & Ros-Oton, 2021]

Green kernels

The solution of the Laplace equation \[ \begin{dcases} \mathcal L u = f & \Omega \\ u = 0 & \partial \Omega \text{ or } \mathbb R^d \setminus \overline \Omega \\ \end{dcases} \]

Allows us to define \(\mathrm G : L^2 (\Omega) \to L^2(\Omega)\) we can represent it by a kernel \[ u(x) = \mathrm G[f] (x) = \int_\Omega \mathbb G(x,y) f(y) dy. \]

The probabilistic approach provides in each of our cases a similar shape \[ \mathbb G(x,y) \asymp \frac{1}{|x-y|^{d-2s}} \left(1 \wedge \frac{\delta(x)}{|x-y|} \right)^\gamma\left(1 \wedge \frac{\delta(y)}{|x-y|} \right)^\gamma \]

Since we deal only with self-adjoint \(\mathcal L\), then \(\mathbb G(x,y) = \mathbb G(y,x)\).

The probabilistic approach provides in each of our cases a similar shape \[ \mathbb G(x,y) \asymp \frac{1}{|x-y|^{d-2s}} \left(1 \wedge \frac{\delta(x)}{|x-y|} \right)^\gamma\left(1 \wedge \frac{\delta(y)}{|x-y|} \right)^\gamma \]

And \(\gamma \in (0,1]\) depends on the setting


Finite Differences

  • For the RFL and CFL we can re-use the weights of the whole space.

  • For the SFL: Make \(A\) numerical matrix for \(-\Delta\) problem and take \(A^s\): \[ \textrm{e.g. } A = \begin{pmatrix} 2 & -1 & \\ -1 & 2 & - 1 \\ & \ddots & \\ &&-1&2 \end{pmatrix} \]

Finite Elements

Functional set-up

Optimal set of data

Given that \(\mathbb G(x,y) \asymp \frac{1}{|x-y|^{d-2s}} \left(1 \wedge \frac{\delta(x)}{|x-y|} \right)^\gamma\left(1 \wedge \frac{\delta(y)}{|x-y|} \right)^\gamma\)

For \(K \Subset \Omega\) \[ \int_K |G(f)| \le C_K \int_\Omega |f| \delta^\gamma. \]

So \(G: L^1 (\Omega, \delta^\gamma) \to L^1_{loc} (\Omega)\)

If \(f \ge 0\) then, using the kernel estimates \[ \tag{Hopf} G[f] (x) \ge c \delta^\gamma(x) \int_\Omega f(y) \delta(y)^\gamma dy. \]

If \(0\le f \notin L^1 (\Omega, \delta^\gamma)\), then \(G[f] = +\infty\).

Laplace equation
Weak dual formulation

Multiplying by \(\varphi\) and integrating \[ \int_\Omega ( \mathcal L u ) \varphi = \int_\Omega f \varphi \]

If \(\varphi\) is in the suitable class of homogeneous boundary conditions \[ \int_\Omega u ( \mathcal L \varphi )= \int_\Omega f \varphi \]

Choosing the set of test functions \(\varphi\) depends on the problem.

In particular, if we take \(\varphi = \mathrm{G} (\psi)\) we a weak dual solution if \(u \in L^1_{loc} (\Omega)\) and

\[\begin{equation} \tag{WDF} \int_\Omega u \psi = \int_\Omega f \mathrm{G} (\psi) \qquad \forall \psi \in L^\infty_c(\Omega) \end{equation}\]

See [Bonforte, Sire & Vázquez, 2015], [Bonforte, Figalli & Vázquez, 2018]

Large solutions


By large solution we mean solutions that satisfy \[ \mathcal L u = F(x,u) \text{ in } \Omega \]

By large solution we mean \(\| u \|_{L^\infty} = \infty\).

We are mostly here in boundary blow-up: \[ u(x) \to \infty \text{ as } \mathrm{dist}(x, \partial \Omega) \to 0. \]

From now on

\[ \delta(x) = \mathrm{dist}(x, \partial \Omega) . \]

For the usual Laplacian

For the problems \[ -\Delta u + F(u) = 0 \]

Keller-Osserman condition:

Canonical example: \(-\Delta u + u^p = 0\) with certain \(p\).

This kind of singular behaviour exists also in the fractional case: [Chen & Véron, 2014], [Abatangelo, 2015], [Nguyen & Véron, 2018], [Chen & Véron, 2022]

Large solutions with boundary blow-up for \(\mathcal L\)

[Abatangelo, GC & Vázquez, 2022] denoting \(\delta(x) = \mathrm{dist}(x, \partial \Omega)\)

We can compute \(\mathrm G[\delta^\beta] \asymp \delta^\alpha\) with

\[ \mathrm G[\delta^\beta] \asymp \begin{dcases} \delta^\gamma & \beta +2s > \gamma \\ \delta^{\gamma} \log|\delta| & \beta +2s = \gamma \\ \delta^{\beta + 2s} & \beta +2s < \gamma \\ &\text{ and } \beta > -1-\gamma \\ \infty & \beta \le -1-\gamma \end{dcases} \]

\(\infty \not \equiv G[\delta^\beta] \notin L^\infty \iff -1-\gamma < \beta < -2s\).

For \(-\Delta\) we have \(\gamma = 1 = s\). Either \(G[\delta^\beta] \in L^\infty\) or \(G[\delta^\beta] \equiv + \infty\)

Large solution of the Dirichlet problem for RFL

Large solution of the Dirichlet problem for SFL

No large solutions in the CFL (like \(-\Delta\))

The harmonic singular solution

[Bogdan et al., 2009]

Take \(s \in (0,1)\)

\[ u(x) = \begin{cases} (1-|x|^2)^{s-1} & \text{if } |x|<1 \\ 0 & \text{if } |x| \ge 1 \\ \end{cases} \]


\[ (-\Delta)_{\mathrm{RFL}}^s u(x) = 0 \qquad \text{if } |x| < 1. \]

No right-hand side? There is an extra condition

Reviewing the usual Laplacian

From the interior to the boundary.
Usual Laplacian

Laplace equation

\[ \begin{dcases} -\Delta u = f & \Omega \\ u = 0 & \partial \Omega \\ \end{dcases} \]


\[ \begin{dcases} -\Delta v = 0 & \Omega \\ v = h & \partial \Omega \\ \end{dcases} \]

For \(\varphi \in W_0^{1,\infty} (\Omega)\) we have that

\[ \int_\Omega u (-\Delta\varphi) = \int_\Omega f \varphi \]

\[ \int_\Omega v (-\Delta\varphi) = - \int_{\partial \Omega} h \frac{\partial \varphi}{\partial n} \]

We aim to prove \(u_m = \mathrm G[f_m] \to v\). Can we make \[ \int_\Omega f_m \varphi \to - \int_{\partial \Omega} h \frac{\partial \varphi}{\partial n} ? \]

Tubular neighbourhood of \(\partial \Omega\)

The map \[ \begin{aligned} (-R,R) \times \partial \Omega &\to U_R \\ (r,z) &\mapsto z - r \vec n(z) \end{aligned} \] is smooth and invertible for \(R\) small enough. This defines a tubular neighbourhood of \(\partial \Omega\).

A function in \(h \in L^1(\partial \Omega)\) can be extend to \(L^1(U_R)\) by \[\widetilde h(x) = h(z).\]

For integration, there is a Jacobian such that \(J(z,0) = 1\) and \[ \int_{a < \delta < b} f(x) = \int_{a}^b \int_{\partial \Omega} f(z - r n(z)) \, J(z,r) d z \, d r \]

Localising to the boundary. Usual Laplacian

Can we make \(\int_\Omega f_m \varphi \to -\int_{\partial \Omega} h \frac{\partial \varphi}{\partial n} ?\)

Extend \(h\) towards the interior by the tubular neighbourhood mapping and \[ f_m (x) = \widetilde h (x) \frac{|\partial \Omega|}{ |A_m| } \frac{\chi_{A_m} (x)}{\delta (x)} \qquad \text{ where } A_m = \left\{ x: \delta(x) < \frac 1 m \right\} \]

We get

\(\displaystyle\int_\Omega f_m \varphi = \frac{|\partial \Omega|}{|\{ \delta < \frac 1 m \}|} \int_{ \{ \delta < \frac 1 m \} } \widetilde h \frac{\varphi}{\delta}\)

\(\displaystyle \phantom{\int_\Omega f_m \varphi} = \frac 1 m \int_0^{\frac 1 m} \int_{\partial \Omega} h(z) \frac { \varphi( z - r n(z) ) }{ r } J(z,r) \, dz \, dr\)

\(\displaystyle \phantom{\int_\Omega f_m \varphi} \longrightarrow -\int_{\partial \Omega} h \frac{\partial \varphi}{\partial n} \qquad \text{ as } m \to \infty.\)

It works!

From the kernel side

\[ \begin{aligned} \mathrm G[f_m] (x) &= \frac{|\partial \Omega|}{|A_m|}\int_{A_m} \frac{\mathbb G(x,y)}{\delta(y)} \widetilde h(y) dy \\ & \longrightarrow -\int_{\partial \Omega} \frac{\partial \mathbb G}{\partial n_y} (x,\zeta) h(\zeta) d\zeta \\ &= v(x) \end{aligned} \]

This is the Poisson kernel.

Martin problem
for fractional operators

Martin problem

[Abatangelo, GC & Vázquez, 2022] We show that \(\mathrm{supp}(f_m) \to \partial \Omega\) and \(\mathrm G[f_m] \to v \ne 0\).

We construct \(u^\star \in L^1_{loc} (\Omega)\) such that for any \(h \in L^1 (\partial \Omega)\) the problem

\[ \begin{dcases} \mathcal L u = 0 & \Omega \\ u = 0 & \mathbb R^d \setminus \overline \Omega \\ \lim_{x \to z} \frac{u(x)}{u^\star (x)} = h(z) & \text{for all } z \in \partial \Omega \end{dcases} \]

admits a solution.

We show that \(u^\star \asymp \delta^{2s-\gamma -1 }.\)

  • RFL: \(s-1\)

  • SFL: \(2(s-1)\)

  • CFL: \(0\), i.e. bounded.

Martin problem. Literature

\(u_j \to u^\star\)

\(u_j \to u^\star\)

\(u_j \to u^\star\)

Localisation to the boundary
The kernel point of view

As we did before \[ \begin{align} \mathrm G[f_m] &= \frac{|\partial \Omega|}{|A_j|} \int_{A_j} \frac{\mathbb G(x,y)}{\delta(y)^\gamma} \widetilde h (y) d y \\ &{{} \to \int_{\partial \Omega} \mathbb M(x,\zeta) h(\zeta) d\zeta = \mathrm M[h]} \end{align} \]

where we have to assume that the following limit happens suitably (it does in the examples)

\[\begin{equation} \tag{H} \mathbb M(x,\zeta) = \lim_{y \to \zeta} \frac{\mathbb G(x,y)}{\delta(y)^\gamma} = D_\gamma \mathbb G(x,\zeta). \end{equation}\]

using the Green kernel estimates, we deduce that

\[ \mathbb M(x,\zeta) \asymp \frac{\delta(x)^\gamma}{|x-\zeta|^{d+\gamma - (2s-\gamma)}}. \]

We get define que representative \(u^\star (x) = \mathrm M[1].\)

[Abatangelo, GC & Vázquez, 2022]

Let \(h \in L^1 (\partial \Omega)\), then \(G(f_m) \to u\) in \(L^1_{loc} (\Omega)\).

It satisfies \[\begin{equation*} \tag{WDF$_s$} \label{eq:WDFs} \int_\Omega u \psi = \int_{\partial \Omega} h D_\gamma {\mathrm G[\psi]}, \qquad \forall \psi \in L^\infty_c(\Omega). \end{equation*}\] Let \(u \in L^1_{loc} (\Omega)\) be such that \(\eqref{eq:WDFs}\). Then, \(u = \mathrm M [h]\).

If \(h \in C(\partial \Omega)\) then \(\frac{u(x)}{u^*(x)} \to h(z)\) as \(x \in \Omega \to z \in \partial \Omega\).

Interior equation

In this setting, we have not defined \(\mathcal L\). However, formally we have that \[ \mathcal L u_m (x) = 0 \qquad \text{if } \delta(x) > \frac 2 m. \] Formally \(\mathcal L u = 0\) in \(\Omega\).


Schrödinger-type problems

[Chan, GC & Vázquez, 2021] : we study

\[ \begin{cases} \mathcal L u = \lambda u + f & \text{in }\Omega, \\ \frac{u}{u^\star} = h & \text{on } \partial \Omega. \end{cases} \]

We use the eigenfunction expansion to understand the blow-up as

\[\lambda \to \mathrm{spectrum} (\mathcal L).\]

Parabolic setting

[Chan, GC & Vázquez, 2022]

\[ \begin{dcases} \frac{\partial u}{\partial t} + \mathcal L u = f & \text{in } (0,\infty) \times \Omega, \\[2ex] \frac{u}{u^\star} = h &\text{on } (0,\infty) \times \partial \Omega \\[2ex] u = u_0 & \text{at } t = 0. \end{dcases} \]

We construct the heat kernel, and localise \(f\) to the boundary.

Fractional time derivative

[Chan, Gómez-Castro & Vázquez]

\[ \begin{dcases} \partial^\alpha_t u + \mathcal L u = f & \text{in } (0,\infty) \times \Omega, \\[2ex] \frac{u}{u^\star} = h &\text{on } (0,\infty) \times \partial \Omega \\[2ex] + \text{with suitable initial condition} \end{dcases} \]

where \(\partial^\alpha_t\) is either in the Caputo or Riemann-Liouville setting.





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Satisfying the boundary equation.
Continuous data

When \(h \in \mathcal C(\partial \Omega)\) it is a direct computation that

\(\displaystyle \frac{\mathcal M[h](x) }{u^\star (x)} - h (\zeta_0)\) \(\displaystyle = \frac{\int_{\partial \Omega} \mathbb M(x,\zeta) h(\zeta) d \zeta }{ \int_{\partial \Omega} \mathbb M (x, \zeta) d \zeta } - \frac{\int_{\partial \Omega} \mathbb M(x,\zeta) d \zeta }{ \int_{\partial \Omega} \mathbb M (x, \zeta) d \zeta } h(\zeta_0)\)


\[ \left| \frac{\mathcal M[h] (x) }{u^\star (x)} - h (\zeta_0) \right| \le \int_{\partial \Omega} \frac{ \mathbb M(x,\zeta) }{\int_{\partial \Omega} \mathbb M (x, z) d z} | h(\zeta) - h(\zeta_0)| d \zeta \]

For any \(\varepsilon > 0\), due the kernel estimates

\[ \limsup_{x \to \zeta_0} \left| \frac{\mathcal M[h] (x) }{u^\star (x)} - h (\zeta_0) \right| \le \int_{|\zeta - \zeta_0| \le \varepsilon} \frac{ \mathbb M(x,\zeta) }{\int_{\partial \Omega} \mathbb M (x, z) d z} | h(\zeta) - h(\zeta_0)| d \zeta \]

As \(\varepsilon \to 0\) the RHS vanishes due to the continuity of \(h\).

Satisfying the boundary equation.
\(L^1\) data

A more involved argument works for \(h \in L^1 (\partial \Omega)\), and gives integral convergence.

For \(\psi \in \mathcal C (\overline \Omega)\) we have

\[ \frac{1}{\eta} \int_{\delta < \eta} \frac{\mathrm M[h]}{u^\star} \phi \longrightarrow \int_{\partial \Omega} h \phi, \qquad \text{ as } \eta \searrow 0. \]

Very weak formulation of singular boundary value problem

Let \(u_m = \mathrm G[f_m]\). Then, for \(\psi \in L^\infty_c (\Omega)\)

\[ \int_\Omega u_m \psi = \frac{|\partial \Omega|}{ |A_m| } \int_{A_m} \widetilde h \frac{\mathrm G[\psi]}{\delta^\gamma}. \]

Notice that as \(x \to \zeta \in \partial \Omega\)

\[ \lim_{x \to \zeta} \frac{\mathrm G[\psi] (x)}{\delta(x)^\gamma} = \lim_{x \to \zeta} \int_\Omega \frac{\mathbb G(y,x)}{\delta(x)^\gamma} \psi(y) dy \]

by the previous hypothesis

\[ D_\gamma \mathrm G[\psi] (\zeta) = \int_\Omega \mathbb M (y, \zeta) \psi(y) dy \]

Given that

\[ \int_\Omega u_m \psi = \frac{|\partial \Omega|}{ |A_m| } \int_{A_m} \widetilde h \frac{\mathrm G[\psi]}{\delta^\gamma}. \]

by compactness we know \(u_m \to u\) in \(L^1 (\mathrm{supp} \, \psi)\).