July 2024.
European Congress of Mathematics,
Sevilla, Spain
Oct. 2023.
Euro-Japanese conference on nonlinear diffusions,
ICMAT, Spain
May. 2023.
Nonlinear Diffusion And Nonlocal Interaction Models - Entropies, Complexity, And Multi-Scale Structures,
, Spain
May. 2023.
Workshop on nonlocal and nonlinear PDEs,
Trondheim, Norway
Jan. 2023.
VI Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores de la RSME,
, Spain
Oct. 2022.
Young Researcher’s Workshop on Nonlocal PDEs and Applications,
Granada, Spain
June 2022.
CEDyA 2022,
Zaragoza, Spain
July 2022.
Workshop on "Frontiers in Nonlocal Nonlinear PDEs",
Anacapri, Italy
March 2022.
Dec. 2021.
2021 Oxford-Chengdu Nonlinear PDE Days,
Jan. 2020.
V Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores RSME,
, Spain
July 2019.
ICIAM 2019,
U. Valencia
, Spain
May 2019.
Homogenization, Spectral Problems and other topics in PDE’s,
Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas, CSIC, Madrid, Spain
Jan. 2019.
IMI one-day workshop on PDEs,
, Spain
Dec. 2017.
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Mathematical Analysis,
, Spain
July 2016.
Mini-Workshop on Differential Equations and Applications,
Auburn University
July 2016.
11th AIMS Conference in Dynamical Systems and Applications,
July 2016.
11th AIMS Conference in Dynamical Systems and Applications,
June 2016.
ECMI 2016,
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
, Spain
Feb. 2016.
Primera Jornada en "Modelización y Optimización con COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS",
, Spain
Sept. 2014.
Young Researchers in Mathematics Workshop,
, Spain
March 2023.
Seminario. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Granada
Nov. 2022.
Seminario de Análisis y Aplicaciones UAM-ICMAT
Nov. 2022.
Seminario de Análisis Matemático y Matemática Aplicada, UCM
June 2022.
CDT-PDE lunchtime seminar, Mathematical Institute, U Oxford
Mar. 2022.
Fudan International Seminar, Online
June 2021.
Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, UK.
Jan. 2020.
Dpt. of Mathematics, University Federico II, Naples, Italy
Jan. 2019.
Dpt. of Mathematics, University Federico II, Naples, Italy.
June 2018.
Dpt. of Mathematics, University Federico II, Naples, Italy.
Mar. 2018.
Dpt. of Mathematics, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
Nov. 2017.
Dpt. of Mathematical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
April 2017.
Dpt. of Mathematics, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Dec. 2015.
Seminario de Doctorandos de Matemáticas UCM. Spain.
Nov. 2014.
Dpt. of Applied Mathematics, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Nov. 2014.
Applied Mathematics Seminar, UCM